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China largest natural uranium production project starts construction in Ordos

Total production of uranium concentrate in the USA amounted to 10.4 tons of uranium in the third quarter of 2023

IAEA has issued a technical document on global inventories of secondary uranium supplies

CNNC Chairman visits Rossing Uranium for mining, energy cooperation

Eurostat - data for 2021
The Eurostat (statistical service of the European Union) has updated data on the state of the nuclear industry in the EU countries, taking into account the results of 2021.
In total, 106 nuclear power units were operated in 13 EU countries in 2021. If the EU were considered as a single state, it would become the world leader in the number of units, bypassing the United States.
The share of nuclear power plants in 2021 accounted for 25.2% of the total electricity generation in the EU countries. In absolute terms, nuclear generation amounted to 731.701 billion kWh, which is 7.0% more than in 2020.
Despite the increase, record figures remain unattainable. The maximum volume of nuclear generation in the European Union was reached in 2004 and amounted to...

AtomExpo-2022: raw materials for NFC
On November 21-22, 2022, the XII ATOMEXPO-2022 International Forum was held at the Sirius Center in Sochi. The forum was attended by over 3,000 specialists and guests from Russia, as well as 65 countries of the near and far abroad: representatives of business, government agencies, international organizations.
Several round tables were organized within the framework of the forum. One of it was devoted to the issues of raw materials for nuclear energy.
A characteristic feature of the current stage of development of the nuclear industry is a rational approach to the use of natural uranium resources. The centrifuge technologies have made the re-enrichment of depleted uranium real and commercially effective, and the...

Chinese scientists make breakthroughs in deep underground exploration of uranium deposits

ANU Energy receives first delivery of uranium

USA - uranium and list
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) proposed at the end of February 2022 to exclude natural uranium from the federal list of critical minerals.
Critical minerals, or minerals that are critical to the US economy and national security, are determined based on a list of criteria that include physical scarcity, supply chain security, import dependency, and a range of other criteria.
The list of critical minerals is published by the US Department of the Interior.
The USGS has proposed delisting uranium, citing a legal requirement that fuel minerals cannot be listed. If the proposal is accepted, it will be a serious defeat for the American uranium mining sector, which is already going...

Nuclear News Ticker - March 08, 2021

Nuclear News Ticker - March 01, 2021

Nuclear News Ticker - February 18, 2021

Nuclear News Ticker - February 02, 2021

Nuclear News Ticker - December 02, 2020

Nuclear News Ticker - November 27, 2020

India imported 4458 tons of uranium since 2008

India does not disclose uranium annual production

Abbott: Australia Bans Uranium Export to Russia

Abbott Likely to Sign Australia-India Uranium Deal During New Delhi Visit

Rosatom Says Has Enough Uranium for a Century

Australia May Stop Uranium Exports to Russia - Reports

ROSATOM announces management reshuffle at Uranium One Holding è Uranium One Inc.

Russia to Triple Uranium Production in Next 2 Years – Rosatom

Obama Extends National Emergency on Russian Nuke Material

The transaction on consolidation of a 100% stake in Uranium One Inc. by ARMZ Uranium Holding Co. has received court approval and regulatory approval

Iran Finds New Uranium Deposits, Selects 16 Nuclear Sites

First Australian Uranium Shipment Arrives in Russia

TENEX Purchases Trial Consignment of Australian Natural Uranium

Rosatom ready to mine uranium in Czech Republic

Russian-U.S. $110 mln uranium fraud case goes to court

Kazakhstan, India sign energy deals

Trading uranium
Wonthaggi is a little coastal town in southern Victoria, Australia. It is also home to what will be Australia biggest desalination plant. Australia has just had one of the worst droughts in history, lasting some 10 years, which is why the last government of Victoria decided to build such a large desalination plant. However, since the 2007 decision to build it, Victoria and other parts of Australia have been flooded. In fact, Australia has just had one of the wettest summers on record. The government in Victoria has recently changed, with the new government branding the Wonthaggi desalination plant a 25 billion Australian dollar white elephant. That is the predicted cost to Victorian taxpayers over 30 years. Australia is also the second largest producer of Uranium in the world, yet there are no nuclear power plants in Australia. It is a debate that Australia is likely to have; whether to allow nuclear energy in the country as a power source as energy prices continue to rise and alternative energy sources will be sought. Could it be that Victoria white elephant might in fact be the sight for Australia’s first nuclear power station?

Russia ratifies uranium agreement with Mongolia

ARMZ acquires Australian uranium producer in $1.2 bln deal

WikiLeaks cables claim Iran procures uranium in Latin America

Rosatom offers India cooperation in development of uranium deposits

China to use own uranium resources to meet growing nuclear demand

Niger: uranium hot spot
AREVA will return the foreign workers to the uranium deposits in Niger, which have been evacuated after the September seizure of seven hostages. The kidnappers demand the abolition of the ban on wearing Muslim headscarves in France, the release of their imprisoned comrades, and ransom payments to 7 million euros.
The epic of the hostages is far from complete, but the uranium business could not stand still. Niger - main uranium storeroom for French nuclear industry, and mines in the north of this country should not be left unattended.
The French press reported that AREVA will return to the Arlit and other northern cities Niger some staff. It will happen in the coming weeks. The company promises to make every effort to ensure the safety of its people and prevent a recurrence of the events of September.
On the night of September 16, unidentified gunmen kidnapped in Arlit five employees SATOM, one employee AREVA and his wife. Subsequently, it was clarified that the five kidnapped workers SATOM - three French, one citizen of Madagascar, and one citizen of Togo.

Russia increases uranium production 13% in 2010 - Rosatom

Kazakhstan may buy into Russian uranium enterprise

Kazakhstan officially approves Uranium One swap deal with ARMZ

Russia ratifies deal on cooperation in peaceful atom with Australia

Putin urges greater reliance on domestic uranium resources

Russian companies expect drop in uranium output after 2025

Rosatom applies to develop Namibian uranium deposit

Russia to invest $1 bln in Namibia uranium deposits

Mongolia may decide soon on uranium joint venture with Russia

Ukraine to boost uranium production - Yanukovych

Kazakhstan plans to capture 40% of Japan's uranium market

A Trap for Minatom. Uranium Zugzwang
When talking about energy security why does everybody think that Russia should provide energy security for the world? Everybody forgets that Russia also needs in providing energy security. It is impossible to achieve equal cooperation in the world without this consideration, Vladimir Putin, President of Russia believes. It is very difficulty to argue with these words of Russian leader and there is no need. May be Russia had to cancel HEU-LEU deal, reconciling with the threats of multibillion losses? One can find another application for LEU obtained from excesses of weapons-grade plutonium than troublesome selling of it to USA. If to formulate the question more correctly, could Russia use the threat of LEU-HEU agreement cancellation as one of arguments, which could convince Washington to reconsider its discriminating attitude towards Russian uranium, in particular, to cancel 116% duties for import uranium from Russia to USA?

Russia, U.S. to sign nuclear power cooperation deal in fall

Vladimir Poplavsky: Both lead-bismuth and sodium will occupy its niches in future nuclear power
Up to now fast reactors with sodium coolant have been developed in Russia and in the world. This direction is developed sufficiently. So, BN-600 reactor demonstrates positive and reliable operation during 27 years. We believe that at present the technology of fast sodium cooled reactors is substantiated from the viewpoint of both serviceability and safety. Today the point is to improve its economic indices so that this system would be competitive not only "inside" nuclear power, but in comparison with other power sources. Today there is a task to develop NPP project with large power fast sodium cooled reactor, which should be both safe and economy. If to say about technology of heavy coolants, as it is known, there is certain experience of using lead-bismuth eutectic in reactor for atomic submarine. But if we are going to say about development of this technology for its use at stationary power plant, we have to take into account many of its features. In order to demonstrate serviceability of reactors with heavy liquid metal coolant, joint project between IPPE, OKBM and GIDROPRESS is under development - SVBR-75/100 reactor.

Vladimir Kagramanian: I Feel Pity for the French
I feel pity for the French, fallen into real a trap.
Fast reactor technologies and technologies of SNF reprocessing developed in France. The plant for chemical reprocessing of SNF of thermal reactors and fast reactor SuperPhenix were built. Construction of the new NPP with fast reactors for utilization of plutonium extracted from SNF of thermal reactors was scheduled. Everything went in this direction, but in 80-ies the needs in electricity in Europe began stabilizing due to increasing efficiency of electricity consumption. So the necessity of increasing capacity fell away. As a result, the French faced with the problem what to do with extracted plutonium?
A similar accumulation of extracted plutonium was acknowledged as inexpedient both in the UK and USSR (at RT-2 plant). Then the following idea had been arisen - in order to keep people and technologies, MOX-fuel can be started to use in existing light water reactors, and moreover, the adjacent Belgium has demonstrated this technology.

Uranium Peninsula

Renova and Techsnabexport will discuss possible cooperation with South-African golden mining company

A new version of Rosenergoatom's web-portal

Ukraine ceases export of uranium

10-year jubilee of Kazatomprom

RF minister of natural resources visits Namibia

Kirienko defined top-priority tasks for Priargunsky Production Mining-Chemical Association

Rosatom, Interros to co-develop uranium fields in Russia, abroad

Russia set to sign uranium deal with Australia soon

Russia to complete forming uranium co. by mid-2008

VTB, Techsnabexport ink memo to produce Namibia uranium

Daily roundup from Russia - February 19

Daily roundup from Russia - February 14

Techsnabexport, Renova to develop uranium deposits in Africa, Asia

More uranium found in Namibia

Hero of the day

Core Catcher for Unit 3 has been delivered to the Construction Site of El-Dabaa NPP

Core Catcher for Unit 3 has been delivered to the Construction Site of El-Dabaa NPP

The vessel delivering the components of the Core Catcher for Unit 3 left the port of Novorossiysk and arrived to the construction site of the El-Dabaa NPP at the end of June.



Ma Wenjun also emphasized that CNNC has consistently upheld an open and collaborative approach, hoping to work together with international counterparts to accelerate the development of nuclear energy, contributing to addressing challenges such as climate change and nuclear safety.


Han Yongjiang

Han Yongjiang
To develop the new quality productive forces, it is necessary to carry out reforms to eliminate obstacles to development. In 2023, CNNC adjusted the ownership of some of its subsidiaries and formed a unified industrial platform, aiming to promote the development of the nuclear technology application industry.
